It’s a rainy day, so my challenge for you is to build a rain shelter.
Have a look at my video to get some ideas.

You will need:
A tarp

How to do it:
Find a good location for your shelter with some permanent anchor points like trees or a fence.
Design a shelter with the location and space in mind.
Think about the angle of the roof to allow the rain to run off and not accumulate in puddles on the roof.
You could use the string like a washing line to hold the tarp up and peg out the corners using the string and pegs as guy ropes. Or you could use poles to hold the tarp up.

Once you are happy with your design then test it to see if it waterproof by either siting inside it in the rain or putting something like a teddy or kitchen paper inside and then throwing a bucket of water over the top. If it leaks adjust your design and test it again. Keep doing this until the shelter is water tight.

I would love to see photos of your shelters so please tweet #Nature Days @DawnNaturedays or post on the Nature Days Facebook page.

Flat roofed shelter